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8/25/2007 10:23 AM
Beyond "Hospitality"
I'm a foreigner living in Bombay (Mumbai), India. Firstly, I came to India as a business man exploiting the great technological talent of nurses, doctors, teachers, engineers, etc., for shortages in the west. Little did I realize at the time that I would end up living here in Bombay operating other businesses as well. But I truly love it, and my presuppositions about India were very wrong. Yes, there’s lots of poverty, but that’s changing and there is also more wealth than one is probably prepared to believe.
Not only have I tried medical tourism’s hospitals and hospitality, but I’ve sampled three of them and will be going again. I have tasted renal, dental and eye care in India for which I cannot say enough good. The reason I got to find out about this is from three American guys who live in Bombay, India who started a medical tourism company some time ago (America's Medical Solutions www.americasmedicalsolutions.com). So far to date, they have never advertised except by word of mouth. Their services are completely FREE. They are keenly interested in helping Americans feel at home and they speak American English. They have also been here cumulatively over 20 years.
Their hospitality interests concern those accredited hospitals who have seals of approval from the likes of JCI, Harvard Medical International, International Standards Organization and Cleveland Clinic. And they know exactly what kind of care, hospitility etc., that we Americans want.
Not only did I save a BUNDLE, but my experience was profound enough that I’m glad to sing the praises of India’s medical tourism. I will be returning for a hip resurfacing when it gives out … which unfortunately is going to happen. But there’s no better place in the world to be treated. They have done thousands of them over here for four years which is only just now starting in the States.
Anyway, everything you have heard about five star suites as a hospital room is true. Even the house keeping staffs in each of the hospitals I’ve been in are keenly interested in you as a person and in your health. It’s not phony interest either. They are truly happy to talk to a foreigner and genuinely interested in your suffering and what they can do to alleviate it. They will let you talk their ears off and when you leave, you feel like you’re leaving some of your family. If you think about it, they’ve seen you in your all together, etc., at the very worst time of your life, and they have seen you as a person they loved and cared intimately for. It’s impossible not to return the sentiment. So, this goes beyond simple hospitility.
I believe it’s essential to use a medical tourism company to help you with the ropes. All the blogs I’ve read seem to be saying the same thing, because without them you really don’t know where to go and who to see. They too have a reputation to keep. And if you want to do any touring as I have done, they have been there and done that and you get first hand advice. I’ve been privileged to see quite a bit of the country from Goa to Musoori, which means the white sandy beaches to the highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas. Fantastic! And India is the one country in the world which has more character, charm and hospitality than all the others combined. A white face will attract attention for any kind of help they can give.
In hunting for a good medical tourism company, don’t just chose one that has a pretty web site. Anyone can do that. But chose one who gives you their services for free, and who lets you know exactly where they live as does AMS. They get paid from the hospitals and it doesn’t cost you one dime extra from the hospitals to use their services. Hospitals are glad to give up some of their profits to get the business. Another thing I recommend is the JCI, Harvard Medical International, International Standards Organization, Cleveland Medical or other accreditations. I have had my experiences with hospitals in the States and never got such treatment or professionalism as I have in India’s medical tourism hospitals.
I cannot say enough positive about it. Forget incredibly lows costs for the moment. I’m talking about the best medical services in the world. They might be matched elsewhere but they cannot be beat! Coupled with price and hospitality, I think your article points out why India is leading world medical tourism, and I see it as a trend that will only become the world standard.
I would guess since I now live in India that my voice would have even more impact than coming from one who has only taken the tour. I’ve done both and cannot recommend them enough.